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Feed The Souls Food Pantry
Feed The Souls Food Pantry is a community-based food pantry. We are open the second Saturday of every month from 8:00-11:00am. In order to keep our clients and volunteers safe we are now offering a drive-thru style pantry with pre-packaged boxes. Clients can be from any county and can attend every month. You can remain in your vehicle and follow the signs to the pick-up area. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to Christina Hall. Volunteers are needed on the Friday before the pantry from 9:00am-12:00pm and during the pantry (Second Saturday of every month) from 8:00-11:00am. If you would like to contribute to the pre-packaged boxes you can reach out to Christina Hall to discuss needs. Financial support is always welcomed and highly needed to keep this ministry open every month! Feed The Souls Food Pantry also serves students at Bethel Elementary School through the Book Bags of Love Program as well as assisting with stocking a food/hygiene pantry offered to students at C.C. Griffin Middle School. Visit the Feed The Souls Pantry contact page to learn more or get involved. Thanks!